Effective construction project management is the art of balancing timing, budget and quality


UAB “SSA Baltic” provides services for the management of construction projects from the selection of the land for construction to the commissioning of the constructed building. Based on our experience in the construction and operation of buildings, taking into account the goals and objectives that the investor-developer has for the project, we will choose the best solutions and, in close cooperation with the customer, will implement the project in a cost-effective way.


The idea and concept of construction

An idea is what is the foundation of any project. We take into consideration the current condition of the real estate market, analyze the demand for specific properties at the moment and, taking into account the needs of the market, form the idea and concept of the future object.

Selection of land plot for construction

A complicated process that includes the research of the land market, prices and their dynamics. We also plan the placement of planned buildings on the site, due to current building regulations, in order to properly determine the site’s maximum capabilities. We explore all the external circumstances affecting the land which may further prevent the construction on the site. Also we analyze legal clearance of documents for deal.

Development of architectural concept of the facility, functional zoning

Participation together with an architect in creation of the architectural concept of the object, consecutive work over functional zones, layouts of premises, corridors, all internal and external spaces, which compose the real estate object.

Research of the real estate market

We take several measures to get a complete understanding of the real estate value in the region and the dynamics of the demand for purchase and rent. We forecast possible market changes, taking into consideration the history of real estate development in recent years and the factors that affect the future of the market.

Technical-economic assessment of the project

Development of brief, but informative and clear business plan on investment attractiveness of future facility, investment planning, payback period of the project.

Control and correction of design works and engineering services

Participation in all stages of the development of architectural, technical, working projects to select the best design solutions, materials, elements of buildings. The result of such work should be solutions allowing to realize the object with the planned quality, but also with a rational expenditure of investor’s budget.

Preparation of the construction plan, schedule and budget

Planning cannot be 100% exact, however, it can correctly direct the management personnel and the investor towards making the right decisions. We draw up, with sufficient accuracy for such a project, the construction budget and the time frame, within which the facility can be constructed under present conditions.

Control of the terms and quality of construction

Participation in the construction process at all stages, regular inspections of the completed work volumes and quality, and, if necessary, correcting the actions of the construction participants.

Selection of the operating company for the facility

Tendering for the best offer of the operating company, taking into consideration client feedback, quantity and quality of the serviced objects, the proposed price.

Organization of tenders for the selection of construction contractors

Thorough analysis of all market players for particular types of construction work, informing about tendering procedures, conducting tender procedures with drawing up protocols, determining the best offer, making a contract on acceptable terms. The use of cloud information technologies to automate procurement.

Preparation of documents for the constructed facility

Participation in on-time preparation and registration of documents for putting into operation of buildings, engineering systems, and, if necessary, certification of buildings.

Project marketing

Participation at all stages in the advertising promotion of the project in order to create an active interest in the built apartments, premises for their quick sale (rent).

The idea and concept of construction

An idea is what is the foundation of any project. We take into consideration the current condition of the real estate market, analyze the demand for specific properties at the moment and, taking into account the needs of the market, form the idea and concept of the future object.

Research of the real estate market

We take several measures to get a complete understanding of the real estate value in the region and the dynamics of the demand for purchase and rent. We forecast possible market changes, taking into consideration the history of real estate development in recent years and the factors that affect the future of the market.

Selection of land plot for construction

A complicated process that includes the research of the land market, prices and their dynamics. We also plan the placement of planned buildings on the site, due to current building regulations, in order to properly determine the site’s maximum capabilities. We explore all the external circumstances affecting the land which may further prevent the construction on the site. Also we analyze legal clearance of documents for deal.

Technical-economic assessment of the project

Development of brief, but informative and clear business plan on investment attractiveness of future facility, investment planning, payback period of the project.

Development of architectural concept of the facility, functional zoning

Participation together with an architect in creation of the architectural concept of the object, consecutive work over functional zones, layouts of premises, corridors, all internal and external spaces, which compose the real estate object.

Control and correction of design works and engineering services

Participation in all stages of the development of architectural, technical, working projects to select the best design solutions, materials, elements of buildings. The result of such work should be solutions allowing to realize the object with the planned quality, but also with a rational expenditure of investor’s budget.

Preparation of the construction plan, schedule and budget

Planning cannot be 100% exact, however, it can correctly direct the management personnel and the investor towards making the right decisions. We draw up, with sufficient accuracy for such a project, the construction budget and the time frame, within which the facility can be constructed under present conditions.

Organization of tenders for the selection of construction contractors

Thorough analysis of all market players for particular types of construction work, informing about tendering procedures, conducting tender procedures with drawing up protocols, determining the best offer, making a contract on acceptable terms. The use of cloud information technologies to automate procurement.

Control of the terms and quality of construction

Participation in the construction process at all stages, regular inspections of the completed work volumes and quality, and, if necessary, correcting the actions of the construction participants.

Preparation of documents for the constructed facility

Participation in on-time preparation and registration of documents for putting into operation of buildings, engineering systems, and, if necessary, certification of buildings.

Selection of the operating company for the facility

Tendering for the best offer of the operating company, taking into consideration client feedback, quantity and quality of the serviced objects, the proposed price.

Project marketing

Participation at all stages in the advertising promotion of the project in order to create an active interest in the built apartments, premises for their quick sale (rent).